Code For Macon Seeks Tech Solutions to Real Life Issues in Macon


Image courtesy of Code for Macon

Code for Macon will have a launch party this Friday that will bring together technology oriented professionals looking to make connections, community leaders, and those just wanting to help make a positive difference in Macon.

Code for Macon is supported by the Knight Foundation and led by co-chairs Christele Parham of Ham Designs and HamTECH Solutions, Bob Allen, a Professor of Computer Science at Mercer University, and Stephen Finney of Northwestern Mutual.

Participants at Code for Macon’s launch party will be able to volunteer on different teams (called brigades) to work on projects like building apps that will seek to help solve local problems.

“We will have volunteering sign up sheets if some people want to be part of the brigade where we engage in some of the projects. But it's not like you have to volunteer. If you want to you can sign up to stay in the loop to see whats going on,” Parham says.

Parham says that anyone from new coders who want to work on a project to gain expertise to professionals looking to do more social impact work or civic engagement would make perfect candidates for Code for Macon,

Code for Macon is a chapter of Code for America, a San Francisco based nonprofit organization that seeks to solve problems while improving the way government works through technology. They help involve local community members in seeking solutions to issues and meet the needs of their community.

Code for America is no stranger to Macon: they previously worked alongside other organizations to help create Macon-Bibb’s popular See-Click-Fix app and website. See-Click-Fix allows citizens to easily report issues in need of repair (like potholes), share feedback, and ask local government leaders questions.

Parham says that Friday’s event is the best time to attend a Code for Macon meeting if you just want to find out more about what the organization is all about.

“If anyone [is] just curious to check it out, I think the best time to come check it out is now. Just so they can see if maybe this is for them or [not]. This is the perfect time to come and connect to see if this is something they want to engage in,” says Parham.

After the launch party, Parham says future meetings will be more about doing the work to find solutions to some of Macon’s issues.

“Our next meetings are going to be about actually solving and working. This is probably going to be our most relaxed meeting,” Parham says.

Parham says that they are expecting 70 or more people at the Code for Macon launch party. She says those who have already signed up to attend include community leaders, representatives from WorkSource Macon-Bibb (a career development organization), and people who want to solve local challenges or give back to the community.

Participants must RSVP online by Wednesday, February 15th to attend this free event.

Code for Macon’s launch party will take place at the McEachern Art Center (332 2nd Street) on Friday, February 17th from 5:30 to 8 p.m. 

Code for Macon's launch party will take place on February 17th at the McEachern Art Center (Image courtesy of Code for Macon)
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