Work on Your Summer Body at Perry's Workout in the Park Power Hour Series


Get a free workout at one of the City of Perry's Workout in the Park events.

The City of Perry is encouraging people to get active with a Workout in the Park Power Hour series taking place on the last Saturday of each month through November. These events will feature free outdoor workouts for all ages as well as all levels of fitness. 

The workouts will be similar to a "boot-camp style class", according to the co-sponsor of the event, the Cantrell Center for Physical Therapy and Wellness.

Sunshine Walton of the Cantrell Center will be the host of the 9 a.m. workout Saturday, July 31st. Walton is a Physical Therapy Aide the Cantrell Center.

Walton will lead a 1 hour workout on Saturday, July 31st that will include multiple types of exercise styles, including cardio and strength training.

All of the Workout in the Park events will take place on Perry's Downtown Lawn located at 901 Main Street in Historic Downtown Perry. Be aware that there are no bathroom facilities and, because the event takes place on Perry's downtown greenspace, the grass might be wet.

The other dates for the remaining Workout in the Park events are August 28th, September 25th, October 30th, and November 27th.

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