Public Notices and Press Releases

PRESS RELEASE: Fundraising Campaign Kicks-Off for Georgia Boy Fighting Brain Cancer

Update June 7, 2024: 

DaKodah Searcy's condition suddenly worsened and he passed away on the evening of Friday, June 7, 2024, at Children's Hospital of Atlanta with his beloved grandmother Nichole Hart-Boykins, grandfather Christopher Boykins Sr., parents, and other loved ones by his side.

To help the support DaKodah's family during this difficult time,  you can make donations at the following link: GiveSendGo | Support the Family of DaKodah Searcy Campaign


Musella, June 7, 2024: As the summer months are heating up across the country, most children and young adults are eager to get into local waterholes to cool off and enjoy a break from school. Unfortunately, for one little boy from the economically disadvantaged small town of Musella, Georgia in Crawford County, what is typically viewed as a welcomed time of year happens to be a dreadful time of year for him. 

DaKodah Searcy, the charismatic little boy (who turned 8-years-old on March 3, 2024) is fighting an aggressive brain tumor that makes it almost impossible for him to enjoy outdoor weather because the heat induces seizures.

Therefore, in an attempt to create the most comfortable environment for him as possible, a national fundraising campaign has just launched that seeks to raise the necessary funds to build one additional bedroom with an adjoining bathroom onto his grandmother's existing home.

Mrs. Nicole Hart-Boykins, who is not only DaKodah's paternal grandmother but legal guardian too, has literally sacrificed so much (including her own job, which was not genuinely sympathetic to her situation) in order for him to be able to receive the best of care. 

From being responsible for taking care of some of the out of pocket expenses that are not covered for his costly medications, to being the caregiver who drives him two hours (sometimes a couple of times each week) each way for procedures at the Children's Hospital of Atlanta from their home in Central Georgia, to being someone who still wears multiple hats for other relatives as a mother, grandmother, wife, and daughter takes its toll.

Thankfully, a group of compassionate people across multiple states are stepping forward to spearhead what they hope will soon become a successful project for DaKodah and his grandmother-guardian. 

What began as a plan to try to find unique ways to create memorable experiences for DaKodah also seeks to fulfill a special need for him and his residential family members by cultivating all of that (and more) and enabling this family to enjoy their home - along with DaKodah. 

Mrs. Hart-Boykins was forced to transform her Living Room into his bedroom because it better accommodates his pediatric hospital bed and allows the other family members to sleep (on Living Room furniture) near him so he can feel more comforted and they can better interact with him. 

Thus, the need to build an additional bedroom and bathroom onto the tiny house - which will be known as the 'Mini Man Cave' - that would be specifically for DaKodah, yet can also be utilized by the entire family to entertain and enjoy fond moments together.

Accordingly, the national online campaign that just launched aims to enable Mrs. Hart-Boykins to navigate some of the miscellaneous costs and out-of-pocket expenses associated with properly caring for a child who is fighting a life-threatening illness, assist their family with being able to take DaKodah to some of the more skilled medical facilities (in-state & out-of-state) that specialize in pediatric brain tumors, and be able to cover the home renovation project.

Help from people in communities near and far will mean so much to this fundraising campaign! Hopefully, this entire project will become a reminder to countless people that despite life's frequently unfortunate circumstances, there are still good people out there who have not lost sight of remembering what matters most: practicing selfless acts of altruism, kindness, and love towards other people truly in need. In this particular case, that happens to be for the family of a little boy stricken with a serious illness that has tried to steal not only his life, but his joy as well. Anyone who wishes to contribute can make donations to: GiveSendGo -GiveSendGo | Support DaKodah Searcy & Family Campaign

Photograph of DaKoda with his Grandmother Nicole (Photograph courtesy of Santura Pegram)
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