Your Macon weather forecast for the work week (7/18 - 7/22)


July weather in Macon is often hot and humid and this week will be more of the same.

High temperatures in the low 90's and chances of rain throughout this week mean that we will have more of the same heat and humidity July has been full of so far this year. 


Weather outlook for Monday, July 18th - Friday, July 22nd

Monday, July 18th

Humid and partly cloudy throughout the day.

High: 92° Low: 75° with a 15% chance of rain and 6 mph winds from the SSW.

Tuesday, July 19th

Possible light rain in the evening.

High: 90° Low: 74° with a 75% chance of rain and 7 mph winds from the SW.

Wednesday, July 20th

Humid and partly cloudy throughout the day.

High: 92° Low: 77° with a 47% chance of rain and 6 mph winds from the SW.

Thursday, July 21th

Rain in the evening and overnight.

High: 94° Low: 75° with a 63% chance of rain and 7 mph winds from the SW.

Friday, July 22nd

Humid and overcast throughout the day.

High: 90° Low: 74° with a 64% chance of rain and 5 mph winds from the SW.

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