Things to Do in Macon This Week (Monday, July 19th through Sunday, July 25th)


Check out some of the events going on in middle Georgia this week and upcoming weekend.

Tuesday, July 20th

The Back 2 School Bash by Hawkinsville-Pulaski County Chamber of Commerce will take place from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. at the Central Georgia Technical College Campus in Macon. This event promises free school supplies, food, haircuts, and more. There will also be vendor booths inside the college.

Wednesday, July 21st

Mama Hawk Draws and Anna Richards will be hosting Fall Line Brewery's first Creative Conversations Meet Up on from 6 p.m. until 8 p.m. Come to this speed networking event for creatives and get to know others from the Macon community. Pre-registration is required and the first 30 people to register will receive a free beer.

Society Garden will be hosting another BBQ and Bluegrass Jam from 6 p.m.until 8 p.m. The BBQ will be from Satterfield's and the musicians will be from all over.

Thursday, July 22nd

There will be a 75 minute full moon yoga class with meditation and a fire ceremony starting at 7:30 p.m. on Coleman Hill. This event is presented by Star Stuff Yoga & More. There will also be chalk art and music if you arrive early. Bring your own mat or chairs (for chair yoga) if you can. While admission to this event is free, donations are what help bring these types of events to Macon.

Yoga and meditation provide many physical and mental benefits. According to Harvard Health Publishing, yoga can help you lose weight and keep it off, build muscle, and help with heart health. Meditation can reduce stress, pain, and depression.

Friday, July 23rd

The Comic Book Hero Night event at the historic Luther Willams Field encourages you to come dressed as a comic book hero. Gates open at 6 p.m. and the Macon Bacon v. Spartanburgers game starts at 7 p.m. Tickets can be purchased here.

Saturday, July 24th

The Macon Museum of Arts and Sciences will host a Pop-Up Wildlife Program about possums from 10:30 until 11 a.m. at the Ocmulgee Mounds National Historic Park. Find out why these mysterious animals are so important, including how they help keep the tick population down. Admission is free to this event which is funded by the Downtown Challenge Grant.

Sunday, July 25th

The Douglass Theater will have smooth jazz music from Ken Trimmings and the Quiet Storm on their front plaza 7 p.m. Bringing lawn chairs and treats to eat is suggested. Admission is free to this Georgia Power sponsored event.

Yen-Ting of Yen-Ting Chiu Ceramics will teach a class on how to create adorable animal dishes from 2:30 until 4 stARTup Studios. The price of $30 per person includes the materials needed and two firings as well. Tickets can be purchased here.

Image Credit: Yen-Ting Chiu Ceramics

stARTup Studios is hosting an adult comedy show by the Clockwork Comedy group. "Funny How? An Abstract Comedy Happening" starts at 8 p.m. Donations are very much appreciated and will go directly to the comedians. Admission is free and you can get your tickets here.

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