Weekend Weather Forecast for Macon (6/10 - 6/12)


Macon weather this weekend might be a bit wet and cloud cover will help keep the heat bearable.

The weather forecast for Macon calls for possible rain throughout the weekend as well as cloudy days.

Weekend weather: Friday, June 10th - Sunday, June 12th

Friday, June 10th

Possible light rain overnight.

High: 90° Low: 70° with a 7% chance of rain and 4 mph winds from the NNW.

Saturday, June 11th

Mostly cloudy throughout the day.

High: 89° Low: 69° with a 70% chance of rain and 7 mph winds from the W.

Sunday, June 12th

Humid and partly cloudy throughout the day.

High: 94° Low: 73° with a 44% chance of rain and 5 mph winds from the W.

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