Your Macon weather forecast for the week (8/15 - 8/21)


This week in Macon you might need an umbrella for the rain and a fan for the humidity

Get ready for rain, humidity, and more in Macon this week when you step outside. Thursday the chances for rain are almost 100% but other days will just involve plenty of humidity and most of the high temperatures for the week will be in the 80's instead of the 90's.


Weather outlook for Monday, August 15th - Sunday, August 21st

Monday, August 15th

Possible severe weather and chances of rain throughout the day.

High: 93° Low: 71° with an up to 24% chance of rain and 3 mph winds from the W.

Tuesday, August 16th

Humid and partly cloudy throughout the day.

High: 91° Low: 70° with a 23% chance of rain and 5 mph winds from the NNW.

Wednesday, August 17th

Humid and mostly cloudy throughout the day.

High: 83° Low: 70° with a 59% chance of rain and 5 mph winds from the NE.

Thursday, August 18th

Rain and humid throughout the day.

High: 83° Low: 69° with a 91% chance of rain and 3 mph winds from the NE.

Thursday in Macon will likely involve rain

Friday, August 19th

Rain and humid throughout the day.

High: 79° Low: 70° with a 90% chance of rain and 3 mph winds from the S.

Saturday, August 20th

Possible light rain in the morning.

High: 86° Low: 70° with a 88% chance of rain and 3 mph winds from the ESE.

Sunday, August 21st

Possible light rain in the morning.

High: 85° Low: 70° with a 58% chance of rain and 3 mph winds from the SSW and SSE.

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