Spend Your Money Wisely by Shopping Locally


Advertisements for large corporations are everywhere but there are many great reasons for shopping locally that might not be so noticeable (Photo courtesy of Pxfuel.com)

According to Statistica.com, over 240 billion dollars was spent on advertising in the U.S. in 2019. On Black Friday retailers like Target and Kohl's spend millions of dollars to entice customers to shop at their establishments. Unfortunately when you spend your money at multinational corporations you aren't investing in your local community as much as when you shop local businesses.

This weekend Small Business Saturday takes place in Macon and throughout the country and encourages shoppers to small, local "brick and mortar businesses", according to Wikipedia.

There are many important economic reasons why you should shop at local businesses both on Small Business Saturday and throughout the year. 

In 2010 Michigan State University's Center for Community and Economic Development and Nandi Robinson published a report that details the many benefits of shopping locally. 

- Local job creation is one of the biggest benefits of shopping locally. Local businesses are "the largest employers nationally and create two out of every three new jobs", according to the Michigan State University report. Because those employees also live in the community, shopping locally supports neighbors, acquaintances, and other middle Georgia community members.

- Increased economic activity occurs when you spend your money locally as it can then be "re-spent locally". This helps increases the "overall level of economic activity" and pays for more salaries as well as builds the "local tax base."

    - Local charities benefit because locally owned business contribute more to them, according to the Michigan State University report. When you spend your money at a local business you are also helping support the local charities that make such a positive difference in middle Georgia.

    - Keep your community alive by making sure local businesses stay in business. People familiar with the changes in downtown Macon over the last few years know firsthand the benefit of businesses being open and buildings occupied. Small local businesses have to compete with multi-national corporations with almost unlimited advertising budgets. When middle Georgia shoppers spend money locally, they help make sure small local businesses have an easier time competing and staying open.

    - Taking care of the environment is also a benefit of shopping locally as you "reduce your ecological footprint", according to the Michigan State University report. Local businesses often make purchases locally, which reduces transportation pollution and waste. 

    - Promote entrepreneurship when you shop local businesses because when local businesses grow, "new talent and professionals" in the area often go on to start businesses of their own, leading to even more economic growth in our communities.

    When you shop locally you and your neighbors receive many benefits that aren't as well advertised as the sales at big retailers. By spending money at local, small businesses you help  make a wise investment in the future of your community.

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