According to CBS News, Punxsutawney Phil, the weather-predicting groundhog, did not see his shadow earlier today, which is Groundhog Day.
Groundhog Day came about due to a Pennsylvania Dutch superstition. The superstition claims that if a groundhog comes out of its den and sees its shadow, it will then go back into its den, and then winter will continue for six more weeks.
The superstition alternatively claims that if the groundhog does not see its shadow, then spring will be arriving early.
Groundhog Day came from German-speaking areas in Europe but a badger was the animal whose shadow once held such meaning for forecasting the coming of spring.
Mr. Phil usually sees his shadow on Groundhog Day, so the prediction for an early spring this year is surprising.
Hopefully, we will soon see evidence in the weather patterns and the plants and trees that surround us that Punxsutawney Phil's forecast for an early spring is correct.