
Next week, there will be lane closures every night from 9 p.m. until 5 a.m. on I-16 eastbound between Coliseum Drive and Martin Luther King, Jr. Boulevard from Monday, May 20th through 24th. as road construction continues. The work is part of the I-16/I-75 Interchange Improvement Project, according to the Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT).
Traffic will also be slowed down on Riverside Drive and Second Street and Web Street will remain closed during the same time. Macon's Webb Street will stay closed and the furthest right lane on I-75 northbound at the Georgia Avenue exit will be closed for multiple months.
According to the GDOT, the I-16/I-75 Interchange Improvement Project is a $500 million initiative whose goal is to enhance safety and mobility in Macon-Bibb county. The project has been broken into seven phases and is expected to finish up around the year 2030.
After the project is complete, travelers will be able to utilize the newly constructed CD lanes, additional lanes on the interstate, improved water drainage systems, and upgraded ramps and bridges.
To keep up to date on construction and traffic conditions, you can also call 511, visit, or use the Georgia 511 app.